uno Soccer Scorebug is an uno type template designed for a soccer scorebug overlay.
uno Soccer Scorebug Panels
- Overlay ON/OFF - Animate the overlay on/off air
- Home and Away Plus & Minus - Home and Away points
- Stoppage Time ON/OFF - Toggle on and off stoppage time overlay
- Stoppage Time Plus & Minus - Stoppage time count
- Match Time - Minutes and Seconds match time setting with playback options.
- Period - select current match period
- Team Names - Define Home and Away team names
- Period Duration - Select match period duration. This impacts the Period controls in the Clock panel.
The "Customize" panel allows users to customize pre-defined elements of an overlay's style. These properties can vary with each overlay but frequently contain color and effects settings.
UI Layout
The "UI Layout" panel contains two types of modifiable properties: "Settings" and "Number of Panels".
Turn on or off the following UI elements:
- Control App Header
- Preview Window
- Panel Menu
- Navigation Buttons
You can also switch between Light or Dark mode with the Appearance toggle switch.
Number of Panels
- Number Selector - Select the number of panels visible. Auto displays the number of panels based off of operator screen size
- ENTER FULLSCREEN - Pushes the UI into fullscreen mode
Click here for an overview of the uno family of templates (including how to output the live overlays, access the API and more).