AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smart phones, and set-top boxes.

Prepping the Overlays

Before you can output your overlays with AWS Elemental MediaLive, you have to prep them in Studio.

Learn how to prep your overlays in Studio in steps 1-4 of the Beginner's Guide.

Outputting to AWS Elemental MediaLive 

1 - Login to MediaLive

Login to AWS MediaLive.

2 - Create a Channel

A. Get started

Select "Create channel" button under "Get started".


B. Enable HTML Motion Graphics

Go directly over to the General settings area and enable motion graphics.

Do this by flipping on the "Enable Motion graphics configuration" switch, choose "ENABLED" and select "HTML motion graphics".

C. Finish defining the settings

The rest of the settings before finalizing the channel are up to you and your specific stream/broadcast needs. You'll need to finish adding in the rest of your channel settings and attaching a video input before being able to hit the "Create channel" button. Rest assured, AWS will let you know if you're missing something.

The following are some AWS resources we found useful:

Once you've added all your necessary channel information and attached a video input, make sure to finish by selecting the "Create channel" button.


2 - Add Singular Overlays to Channel via a "scheduled action"

A. Go to "Schedule" and create a scheduled action.

Make sure to fill in the following information:

  • Action name - whatever you want
  • Start type - "Immediate" (so the Singular overlays appear immediately)
  • Action type - "Motion Graphics Activate"
  • Duration - 0 (so the overlay layer stays on continuously)
  • Url - paste in your Singular Output URL.

B. Finalize

Hit create and a confirmation box will appear. Your broadcast/stream destination should have your video and overlays combined. If you're not seeing any overlays on your video, make sure to take an overlay on-air within your control app!

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