Grabyo is an online/browser-based live video production suite integrated with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Periscope.
Prepping the Overlays
Before you can output your overlays with Grabyo, you have to prep them in Studio. Learn how to prep your overlays in Studio in steps 1-4 of the Beginner's Guide.
Outputting to Grabyo
1 - Login to Grabyo
Login and head to your "Producer" project to add Singular.
Login to Grabyo and go to "Producer" project
2 - Add a New Layer (for Singular Overlays)
First make sure to add your video source.
Next, you need to create a separate layer that will house your Singular overlays. This layer must sit on top of your video. Do this by selecting the Settings icon on the left side of your video layer and then hit "Add Layer Above". Now you're ready to populate this layer with Singular overlays.
Create a new Grabyo layer to house your Singular overlays
3 - Select "" as a Source
Click on the "+" button on the right edge of your new overlay strip, choose "Live Integrations" and then choose "". You will be prompted to log into your account or, if you are already logged in, your Singular Dashboard will appear.
Click the "+" button, choose "Live Integrations" and then choose ""
4 - Choose Your Studio Show, Preview
In the right panel, choose the Studio show that has the prepared overlays you want to use. Then choose that newly added show within the main area of Grabyo to view it in the Preview window.
Choose a Studio Show, select to view in Preview
Do your best to prepare every overlay you need for your show within Studio before importing it into Grabyo. Although you can update the contents of your show's overlays within the Grabyo environment, the bulk of this prep work should be done separately within the Singular ecosystem.
5 - View Studio Playlist, Take Overlays On-Air
Hit the Settings button to view your playlist(s) and hit the play buttons to take your overlays on-air from inside Grabyo.
View Studio Playlist, hit Play buttons
6 - Select Grabyo Singular Layer, Make it Live
Last step. Your Overlays are still in Preview mode but now you're ready to take them live with your Grabyo video. After making sure your Singular overlay layer is selected, hit the arrow button between the preview and output windows to make your layer active. Now your Singular overlays are live with your video and you're ready to operate your overlays in real-time.
Select your new Singular Layer, take it Live
If you are not seeing your overlays, make sure:
- A) You have an overlay in your control app taken on-air.
- B) Your new Singular Grabyo layer is on top of all video layers.