Google Chart Widgets (Area, Bar, Candlestick, Column, Line, and Pie) are designed to turn Google Sheet data into beautiful looking charts.
To learn how to add a Widget to your Composition, click here.
Remember, any underlined widget properties can be connected to a Control Node or a Data Node.
As seen above, select the dedicated "Chart" tab in the Property Panel to update the widget's following property types:
Spreadsheet ID - Id number of your Google Sheet spreadsheet. This value can be found in the url between "/d/" and "/edit".
Value Range - The range of your desired columns and rows of data in A1 Notation. For example, "SheetName!A1:E12"
API Key - Google account API Key. This can be created following this tutorial.
Fetch Sheet Data - Manual button to pull in updated sheet data.
Check the "Enable" box to activate this property feature set.
Request frequency - Every number of seconds Singular will request data from your Google Sheet.
Show grid and labels - Activate grid and labels on chart
Size of grid labels - Change the grid label size (in pixels)
Check the "Enable" box to activate this property feature set and override the Basic Layout Parameter settings.
Expert Layout Parameter - Various customizable layout parameters in JSON format
There are various configuration options for each individual chart style:
Sample Chart Data
Each Chart Widget requires certain styles of data. For example, a Candlestick Chart requires more complex data than a Line Chart.
Check out our sample data for each Google Chart Widget.