The Text Widget is one of the most commonly used widgets in Singular.
To learn how to add a Widget to your Composition, click here.
Remember, any underlined widget properties can be connected to a Control Node or a Data Node.
As seen above, select the "Text" tab in the Property Panel to update this widget's following property types:
Font - Selection boxed for Font Type, Font Style, Italics, Underlining and Alignment.
You can access the Font Browser for a variety of provided font options.
Transform - None, Uppercase, Lowercase and Capitalize options
Color - Color selector for text
Minimum of Lines - Minimum number of lines visible
Maximum of Lines - Maximum number of lines visible
Overflow - Text overflow options such as Letter Width, Clip, Ellipsis, Word Wrap, Wrap Letter, Letter Size and Letter Width
Vertical Alignment - Vertical alignment of text. This will become apparent when the Minimum of Lines value is above 1. Options include Top, Middle, Baseline and Bottom
Vertical Adjustment (%) - Vertical positioning based off of percentage within the Bounding Box
Letter Spacing (Pixels) - Horizontal spacing between individual letters
Word Spacing (Pixels) - Horizontal spacing between words
Indent (Pixels) - Horizontal indentation
Line Height - Height of an individual line of text. Options include Normal, Single 1.15, 1.5, Double and Custom
Custom Line Height (%) - Custom selected individual line height as a percentage. This is only functional if the Line Height box is set to "Custom"
Direction (Degrees) - Shadow direction/angle
Distance (Pixels) - Shadow distance
Blur (Pixels) - Shadow blur
Color - Color selector for shadow color
Left (%) - Text padding on the left side
Right (%) - Text padding on the right side
Top (%) - Text padding on the top
Bottom (%) - Text padding on the bottom
Make sure to change all widget sizing in the "Transform" tab within the Property Panel. Although certain widgets may allow you to adjust sizing within their own designated tabs, adjusting sizing in the Transform tab keeps your asset sizing all in one location.