Assigning Specific Graphics to Specific Outputs using Adaptive Feature

So, you're an advanced user looking to assign specific overlays onto specific outputs with only one instance of your Control Application? You've come to the right place.

Check out the three images below. Output A is reserved for the ticker, Output B is reserved for panels, lower thirds and bugs, and Output C is reserved for the fullscreens.

Output A


Output B


Output C

When might this kind of "splitting" of your outputs be useful? This all depends on your production workflow. For instance, you might be looking to be able to isolate overlay types onto different layers in your switcher/encoder.

Whatever the case may be, the Adaptive feature in Composer allows you to create these sorts of custom outputs while operating the overlays in only one Control Application.

Let's get started on a tutorial.

1 - Download the "Different Overlays to Different Outputs" Resource Theme


"Different Overlays to Different Outputs" Theme


Open up the Singular Marketplace, head over to the "Resources" section and download the "Different Overlays to Different Outputs" theme. Everything is set up except for the specific Adaptive feature settings to make these 3 custom outputs work.

2 - Open the Composition and Inspect

Opened Composition


Open up your recently downloaded theme into Composer and check out the Composition Tree. Here, we have 8 different overlay types (8 different Subcompositions). For this exercise, we will be assigning the ticker to its own output, all panels, lower thirds and bugs to their own output, and all fullscreens to an output. Three outputs for three different types of overlays.




Panels, Bugs and the Lower Third






4 - Assign overlays to specific outputs

Output A - Ticker

Let's start with the ticker. Select the Ticker subcomp in the Composition Tree and then select the Adaptive tab in the Property Panel. Next, choose "Custom 1" and hit the Add button.

Adding a "Custom 1" Adaptive option


Next, in the new Custom 1 property box, choose "Part of" from the dropdown menu and type in AX into the text field. This will serve as our output A.


Choosing "Part of" and typing AX

Output B - Panels, Bugs and the Lower Third

Let's move on to the next set of overlays in the Composition Tree. For each of the next 5 overlays that are panels, bugs and a lower third, you will follow a similar process with one minor adjustment.

Go ahead and select the Right Panel subcomp in the Composition Tree and then select the Adaptive tab in the Property Panel. Next, choose "Custom 1" and hit the Add button.

Adding a "Custom 1" Adaptive option


This time, in the new Custom 1 property box, choose "Part of" from the dropdown menu and type BX into the text field. This will serve as our output B.


Choosing "Part of" and typing BX

Repeat these steps covered in step B for the other 4 overlays - the Left Panel, Upper Right Bug, Live Bug and Lower Third.


To make your life easier, this is the time when you can use the Copy Element Properties feature.

Output C - Fullscreens

Let's finish with the last set of overlays in the Composition Tree - the Fullscreens. For these two overlays, you will again follow a similar process with one minor adjustment.

Go ahead and select the Fullscreen Image + Text subcomp in the Composition Tree and then select the Adaptive tab in the Property Panel. Next, choose "Custom 1" and hit the Add button.

Adding a "Custom 1" Adaptive option


This time, in the new Custom 1 property box, choose "Part of" from the dropdown menu and type CX into the text field. This will serve as our output C.


Choosing "Part of" and typing CX


Go ahead and repeat step C for the last subcomp in the tree - Fullscreen Image

5 - Open the Composition into Studio

Now that all the overlays have been assigned to their appropriate outputs (A, B or C), we have to open up this Composition into Studio to prepare the overlays and get ready to grab the three different designated outputs.

In Studio, go ahead and hit the Auto Playlist button in the upper right three dot menu to populate the entire playlist with all the overlays in the Composition. Don't worry about adding in a timer number, it is unnecessary for this tutorial.


Using Auto Playlist


Overlays prepped in Studio


6 - Getting the three outputs

Hit the three dot menu in the upper right corner of Studio and select "Output URL".


Next, select "Adaptation Globals" in the left panel of the pop-up menu.


Copy the A Output

Enter A into the Custom 1 field and then copy the corresponding url by hitting the clipboard icon. Note that the URL has "custom1=A" at the end. By adding in A into the text field, you have updated the URL parameters.

Paste the URL into a new browser window to test. Notice that only the overlays you assigned to A are appearing: the Ticker.


Ticker on output A

Copy the B Output

Enter B into the Custom 1 field and then copy the corresponding url by hitting the clipboard icon. Again, note that the URL has "custom1=B" at the end.


Paste the URL into a new browser window to test. Notice that only the overlays you assigned to B are appearing: Right Panel, Left Panel, Upper Right Bug, Live Bug and Lower Third.


Overlays on output B

Copy the C Output

Enter C into the Custom 1 field and then copy the corresponding url by hitting the clipboard icon. Again, note that the URL has "custom1=C" at the end.

Paste the URL into a new browser window to test. Notice that only the overlays you assigned to C are appearing: Fullscreens.


Fullscreens on output C


You're done with the tutorial! Go ahead and continue to operate the overlays in Studio and see that the overlays will continue to animate only on their assigned outputs.

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