Data Streams provide a reliable distribution infrastructure for high-speed data at a stable and low latency (below 300ms). Data Streams can be managed in the Data Stream Manager.

Learn more about Data Streams in The Singular Developer Portal.

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  • I've recreated the script in script composer identically and cannot get the information passed to my control node. The data is being received by my data stream in the dashboard. Not sure what's going on and no way to troubleshoot.

  • As a follow up, with the help of Support, we were able to get my Composition working. I do think the documentation around implementing the data stream into the composition could be improved. There are webinars by that dive deeper into the data integration that provide some much needed information about payload structure and scripting, particularly if you are using data streams with tables and grids using JSON strings.

  • HI michael apologies for the delayed reply. Have you added your Data Stream to your Composition in the Data Interface and Control Panel and then connected it to the appropriate control nodes? If you need more assistance, please create a support ticket and we can help troubleshoot your specific project:

  • Hi chelwege thanks for the feedback! We have added a link in the article to more information about Data Streams in the Developer Portal. You can find that here:


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