Singular overlays now work in post production and it’s amazingly simple. You can record your output with an alpha channel (retaining background transparency) and import the recording directly into Adobe editing software for use in non-live content!
1 - Download Recast & Video Monitor (for Windows)
First, you’ll need to download and install two simple tools, both of which are free: Singular Recast and NDI® Studio Monitor.
Singular Recast
Singular Recast converts your Singular output in real time to an NDI® feed.
NDI® Tools
The NDI® feed generated by Recast is then picked up and recorded with transparency seamlessly by NDI® Video Monitor (formerly Studio Monitor).
Adobe CC Plugin(s) - Important
Download the necessary NDI Adobe Premiere Pro and/or After Effects plugins for your final recorded videos to import properly into your Adobe editing software.
Download NDI® After Effects Plugin
Download NDI® Premiere Pro Plugin
2 - Create Recast NDI Feed
Open up Recast, give the NDI® stream a name, select Manual URL, paste your Output URL and adjust the Resolution and Framerate to your desired settings.
For more information about Recast, go here.
Hit the “start” button in the upper left corner and a green status box will indicate that your output is now successfully being sent out as an NDI® feed.
3 - Record Feed (With Transparency) in Studio Monitor
Start Studio Monitor and select the button in the upper left corner.
Find the NDI® feed you just started sending out from Recast and voila, you can see your output.
Lastly, hit the record button in the bottom left corner and play all overlays you want to use in post.
Make sure to end the recording when you have what you need and stop the Recast NDI feed.
4 - Import .mov Recording into Adobe Editing Software
The .mov recording provided by Studio Monitor can easily be dropped into your Adobe editing software to clip and edit as needed!
Make sure that you’re viewing the transparency grid in your editing software to see how the transparent aspects of your output have been retained.