The following two major updates are now live in

  1. Control Nodes Update 
  2. Dashboard JSON Editor

1. Control Nodes Update

New Control Panel Interface

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New Control Node Panel

A brand new interface for creating and managing control nodes. Create control nodes and assign to Styles at the top (A). Created control nodes are listed on the left (B) with their corresponding settings in the middle column (C). The fill in form is the final column on the right (D).

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Anatomy of the Control Node Panel

Watch the following support video for an outline on creating control nodes from this brand new panel:

A) Control Node Creator Menu

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As before, you can create your Control Nodes from this portion of the panel.

Styles button feature

A new addition to this menu is the "Styles" toggle button which allows you to hide and show Control Nodes assigned to Styles.

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You can assign Control Nodes to Styles in the Advanced tab within Control Node Settings (Section C).

B) Control Node List

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A list of all created control nodes that can be drag and drop reordered.

Group your control nodes with the new "Node Container" option. Information on the new Node Container feature and other brand new control nodes are listed below.

C) Control Node Settings

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Renaming a selected control node is done inside this settings panel within the Checkbox: ID field:

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The Advanced Tab houses additional advanced settings available for all control nodes:

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  • Use as style *New*
    Use as style is a new option which when enabled will assign the selected Control Node to Styles. The Styles icon in the Control Node Creator Menu (Section A) will show and hide those control nodes.
  • Instant update
    Instant update has been renamed from immediate update.
  • Hide in form (no change)
  • Hide title *New*
    This new feature allows users to hide the control node title in the control app.
D) Fill In Form

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The fill in form is located in the far right panel and displays the control nodes that will be presented in the control app. Ordering of these fields mirrors the order of their corresponding control nodes in the Control Nodes List (Section B).

3 Brand New Control Nodes

There are now 17 total Control Nodes available to create which include the following brand new Control Nodes: Node Container, Counter and Normalized Number.

Node Container *New*

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Node Containers allow you to group control nodes within the Control Node List (Section B). Grouping is also reflected in the Control UI for a more organized operator experience. Note that when added to your Control Node List, Node Containers are anchored to the bottom of the list. Once created, you can drag and drop Control Nodes into a Node Container:

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Unique settings available for Node Containers:

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Node Container settings

  • Title
    Name of the Node Container
  • Width
    Option to choose width of Node Container in Control App UI
  • Active Checkbox
    Select a created Checkbox Control Node to use for toggling on/off the entire Node Group.
  • Tooltip
    Create a custom tooltip for the Node Container that will be displayed for operators in the Control App UI

Preset Selection settings
A Preset Selection can be used to define preset values that populate the data of the control nodes inside of your Node Container (as a dropdown selection). Activate or deactivate the Preset box checkbox to activate or deactivate this dropdown.

  • JSON Source Url
    URL to a JSON array that can be used to define preset field data for the control nodes inside the Node Container. JSON array must be formatted with ID, Title, and Payload properties. Hint: copy the payload by selecting the Copy payload clipboard icon below.
  • Use filter
    Activate "Use filter" to allows users type into the Selection Dropdown.
  • Use reload button
    Reloads the source URL JSON data.
  • Copy payload
    Copies the payload structure to your clipboard.

Note for Developers

Node containers don't affect payload structure.

Counter *New*

Counter control nodes allow you to create buttons to Set or Modify numbers in your control app.

Unique settings available for Counter Control Nodes:

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Field properties settings

  • Reset Value
    Define the value that is set by default in the Control UI. Or when selecting "r" on the keyboard to reset the number.
  • Minimum
    Minimum number allowed
  • Maximum
    Maximum number allowed

Set buttons settings

  • Activate Buttons for setting the value of the number. For example, "0" will create a Set button of "0" to set the value of this control node to 0.

Modify buttons settings

  • Activate Buttons for modifying the value of the number. For example, "4" will create a Modify button of "4" to increase the value of the number by +4. Note that you can input negative numbers to subtract values.
Normalized Number *New*

Normalized Number allows you to decide what 0 and 100 are for a 0-100 number range in the Control UI. 

For example if you wanted to show your operator a range from 0-100 to allow them to select the size of a graphic but only wanted the minimum number to be 50, the Normalized Number Control Node allows for this functionality.

Unique settings available for Normalized Number Control Nodes:

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Field properties settings

  • Reset Value
    Define the value that is set by default in the Control UI. Or when selecting "r" on the keyboard to reset the number.
  • Output Low
    Minimum number that is displayed as 0 in the Control UI
  • Output High
    Maximum number that is displayed as 100 in the Control UI
  • Show Slider
    Display a range slider between 0 and 100 in the Control UI

Notable Updates to 3 Existing Control Nodes


Unique settings available for Selection  Control Nodes:

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Field properties settings

  • Display format
    Define the display of your Selection Dropdown items: Text, Color or Image. The Text, Color or Image is pulled from "id" field within the JSON. For example, if Color is defined as your "id" field within the JSON payload, colors will be presented in the Selection Dropdown for your operators. The same holds true if you select Image and your id field has image URLs. They will be displayed as images.
  • Use filter
    Activate "Use Filter" to allows users type into the Selection Dropdown.
  • JSON Source
    Select either Manual or URL to decide where your source JSON is pulled from. 

You can now decide what Unit you'd like displayed in the Control UI for your operators. For example, you can input %, in, miles, etc. Note this unit is for operator display purposes only.

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Info Text

Info Text Control Node now supports HTML formatting for inputting colors, styles, urls and more within your Info Text notes for your operator. This can be especially helpful for linking out to external documents, webpages, files and more.

2. Dashboard JSON Editor

You can now edit your JSON files directly inside the Dashboard. Select your JSON, then select the Dashboard Inspector button and see the Edit button to edit your JSON and save the changes:

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